second hand stores, dime stores and cheap women's fashion stores and "dressingup" in a hotel room or at home whenever I could. I have never been able to bring myself to tell my wife of my interest.
As I advanced in my chosen field of work I found that there were times when I was not as comfortable as I wished to be with other people...that I lacked some confidance. decided that my TVism was neurotic behaviour and that I should get some therapy. My first sessions were with a psychoanalyst. After a few meetings I decided that his problems were greater than mine and I discontinued. I then went to a psychologist who was very helpful. I ceased cross- dressing and did feel more comfortable and, I think proud of myself because I was acting the way society approved.
Though he was helpful, I later started feeling the same old stirrings. This time I thought I'd go to a woman thera pist and found a competant psychiatrist. I found the exper- ience helpful but decided finally, against her judgement that this is an intimate part of me and that I was going to relax and enjoy it as much as possible.
I am successful in my field, happily married, and res- pected in my community. Part of me wants to contact other TV's and part of me says, "don't take a chance on exposure or scandal" In the meantime I am grateful to Virginia for the existance of TRANSVESTIA.
Editor's Note: This history came in unmarked so Ι do not know the author. It is interesting that the experience he had with professional help is so much like so many oth rs His conclusion that this was an "intimate part of himself" is I think the reason why psychiatry has not been able to "cure" TVs. It is a basic expression of personality. A "cure" will come to a TV only when he himself wants it to come and th s will only occur when he either has some ex- ceedingly painful experience related to his TVism or when it ceases to satisfy a deep something inside of him. Per- sonally I think the latter is extremely unlikely to occur once it has been experienced. His own decision to "relax and enjoy it"is really the only route to Peace of Mind.